Sunday, November 29, 2009


now that it is almost the end of the semester you really need to start thinking about preparing for the AP test.

First, you need to get the review book. I posted an option on the blog a couple of months ago. But any book would do from Kaplan, Cliff Notes, etc... has several options so start there. Be sure to search for 2010 though.

Second, start looking online for sample quizzes, DBQ's, free responses etc... a good place to start is the College Board site But, you can also just start searching.

If you really want to pass this test (which you are all capable of doing!) you might consider studying a least an hour a week now through like Feb. and then pick up the pace March and April to a couple of hours a week until the exam.

It is worth it - I promise :)

AP Government and Politics Homework week 11-30

Government test (everything since last test) on Thursday.

APUSH homework week of 11-30

1. DBQ #6 A114.
2. Readings: Ch21 A4, B1, C2, F2

due Friday

Friday, November 20, 2009

APUSH chapter 20 terms

Chapter #20 Girding for War: The North and the South
Election of 1860
William Seward
Edwin M. Stanton
The Alabama
Emancipation Proclamation
Trent Affair
Robert E. Lee
Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson
Ulysses Simpson Grant
Jefferson Davis
George B. McClellan
Thirteenth Amendment
Anaconda Plan
Border States
Election of 1864
Major Battles
Bull Run
Ft. Sumter

APUSH 19 terms

Chapter #19: Drifting Toward Disunion

Hinton Helper – The Impending Crisis of the South
George Fitzhugh
John Brown
Charles Sumner
Dred Scott
Roger Taney
John Breckinridge
John Bell
Abraham Lincoln
John Crittenden
“Bleeding Kansas”
American or “Know-Nothing” Party
Panic of 1857
Lincoln-Douglas Debates
Freeport Doctrine
Harper's Ferry Raid
Constitutional Union Party

APUSH homework week of 11-23

no homework this week :)

AP Government and Politics Homework week 11-23

no homework this week :)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

AP Government and Politics Homework week 11-16

no readings or free responses but ....
must memorize the Bill of Rights (first ten amedments by Thursday for quiz)

APUSH homework week of 11-16

1. No free response or DBQ
2. Readings for Chapters 19 and 20 - To be announced
3. Study session after school Tuesday 11-18
4. Essay test chapters 16,17,18,19 Thursday - study guide and questions to be handed out on Monday

Monday, November 9, 2009

AP Government and Politics Homework week 11-9

no readings or responses this week. You will get your assignment in class on Tuesday.

Remember to bring ALL of your assignments from last week that should have been collected on Thursday but were not.

APUSH Chapter 18 terms

Chapter# 18: Renewing the Sectional Struggle
Lewis Cass
Stephen Douglas
Franklin Pierce
Compromise of 1850
Zachary Taylor
John C. Calhoun.
Winfield Scott.
Matthew C. Perry
Henry Clay
Free-Soil Party
Fugitive Slave Law
Harriet Tubman
Compromise of 1850
Ostend Manifesto
Kansas-Nebraska Act

APUSH test and study session

Chapter 16, 17, 18 (possibly 19) test on Thursday November 19th
Study Session after school: Tuesday November 17th

APUSH homework week of 11-9

1. readings: Ch18 A.1, B.1, D.1, E.6
2. DBQ #5 page A112 NOTE: Please HIGHLIGHT or UNDERLINE your thesis statement

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

AP Government and Politics Homework week 11-2 - ADDITION

We dropped the ball on the "Nickel and Dimed" project ladies.

Research was supposed to be due last week! Please give me an update by Thursday as to where you are at with book and reserach.