Friday, December 3, 2010

APUSH homework week of 12-6-10

1. FRQ : due Monday: What social, political, geographical and economic advantages did the North have over the South?
2. Monthly assignments for December due on finals day
3. notecards through chapter 22 - due on finals day

Friday, November 19, 2010

APUSH homework week of 11-22-10

   1. FRQ:
What social, political, geographical and economic advantages did the North have over the South? 

2. notecards for chapter 20 and 21

3. NOTE: chapter 19, 20, 21, 22 test will be week before finals

Monday, November 1, 2010

APUSH homework week of 11-1-10

1. test on Monday
2. terms for chapter 19
3. monthly assignments due FRIDAY - get list of extra FRQ's from Sister Elisa Monday. NOTE: you all must pick questions from MONTH 3 and you HAVE to do #7 (the DBQ in the textbook). You can pick the other two.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

APUSH homework week of 10-25-10

1. DBQ - - click on the year 1987 towards the top. Print it ! Also, underline your thesis - due Monday

2. notecards up to chapter 18

3. test on chapters 15,16,17,18 on Friday or Monday

4. Monthly assignments due next Friday

5. Semester project is no longer assigned

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

APUSH homework week of 10-181-10

1. FRQ: Discuss how slavery affected the different social statuses of the south    - due Friday

2. chapter outline of chapter 17 due Tuesday (you will have Friday and Monday to do this)

3. notecards for chapters 15, 16, 17 due next week

4. start reading book or pick 5 documents by next Friday

Friday, October 8, 2010

APUSH homework 10/11/2010

1. study for test Tuesday
2. continue working on notecards
3. semester project - book purchase and start reading; DBQ start looking for docs
4. FRQ: Discuss how the Second Great Awakening led to the revival of a unique American identity - due Friday

Friday, October 1, 2010

APUSH homework week of 10-4-10

1. Deadline for purchasing book or narrowing topic for semester project was Friday Oct 1st. I will checking in with you this week. If you haven't purchased the book make sure you ask an 11th grader or buy it this weekend. OR think about your narrowed topic
2. keep working on the terms for ch10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 :) - will check in with you on Wednesday
3. DBQ #4 A110 in textbook NOTE: AP exam 2006 " American Women" will be one of your monthly assignments for October, but you can't answer it yet.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

APUSH homework week of 9-27-10

1. don't attempt the 1998 DBQ from last week. Instead, do the on page A108 in the textbook --> due Wednesday
2. Work on chapter 10, 11 terms - will start checking them Wednesday
3. start chapter 12 notecards
4. two monthly assignments due Friday

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

APUSH link for DBQ 9/24

scroll down to the 1998 "Constructionists" - click on download and PRINT the DBQ - it will be much easier for you to write the DBQ if it is in front of you

NOTE: remember to underline your thesis

thank you to Mr. Gonzales for allowing permission to site

Friday, September 17, 2010

APUSH Homework 9-20-10

1. FRQ from last week due Tuesday
2. DBQ 1998 AP exam link :
and/or A108 #3 in your book
3. notecards for chapters 9 and 10 will be checked on Thursday
4. Remember, next week will be the end of September and you will need to complete the 2 monthly assignments
5. remember your $15!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

APUSH chapter 8 and 9 terms

Chapter #8: America Secedes from the Empire
Second Continental Congress
Thomas Paine/Common Sense
Declaration of Independence
British Advantages/ British Disadvantages
American Advantages/American Disadvantages
George Washington
Marquis de Layfette
Baron Von Steuban
John Burgoyne
Benedict Arnold
Lord Cornwallis Yorktown
Treaty of Paris, 1783
Articles of Confederation
Lexington and Concord
Bunker Hill

Chapter# 9: The Confederation and the Constitution
John Locke’s Second Treatise of Government
Federalist #10
Republican Government
Unicameral Congress
Powers Granted to the Confederation Congress
Powers Denied to the Confederation Congress
Problems with Spain-
Problems with France
Land Ordinance of 1785
New Ordinance of 1787
Necessary and Proper Clause
Federalist Papers
Shays Rebellion
Society of Cincinnati
Annapolis Convention
Philadelphia Convention
James Madison
Edmund Randolph
Virginia Plan
New Jersey Plans
Great Compromise
Three-Fifth’s Compromise
Delegated Powers
Reserved Powers
Concurrent Powers-.
Supremacy Clause-
Checks and Balances

Friday, September 3, 2010

APUSH homework 9-13-10

1. check chapter 8 notecards Tuesday
2. Monthly assignments (2) due Wednesday
3. FRQ due Friday Was George Washington the perfect first President? How might it have been different if Hamilton, Adams or Franklin been the first president?
4. check chapter 9 notecards Friday

Monday, August 30, 2010

APUSH homework week of 8-30-10

1. check chapter 6 terms Monday
2. check chapter 7 terms Wednesday
3. multiple choice quiz on Friday on chapters 6,7,8
4. FRQ due Friday: Discuss the relationship between England's internal political problems, and the loss of its colonial empire in America.
Extra credit assignment: DBQ 1999

Friday, August 20, 2010

APUSH homework 8-23-10

1. Chapter 1-5 multiple choice test (use the blog suggested sites and take some of the online quizzes to study)
2. DBQ - due Friday/ Follow this link:
3. Flashcards for chapter 6 and 7 - I will check on Friday

Chapter #6: The Duel for North America

Samuel de Champlain
William Pitt
Robert de La Salle
James Wolfe
Edward Braddock
Albany Plan of Union
Proclamation of 1763
Pontiac’s Rebellion
Paxton Boys
Ben Franklin
Five Nations of the Iroquois
Queen Anne’s War
Treaty of Utrecht
Salutary Neglect
General Edward Braddock
French and Indian War
King George’s War

Chapter #7: The Road to Revolution
Lord North
George Grenville
Gaspee Incident
Charles Townshend "Champagne Charley"
John Adams
King George III
Baron Von Steuben
“No Taxation without Representation"
Royal Veto —
Internal/External Taxation
"Virtual" representation
Sons of Liberty
Quebec Act
Navigation Acts
Molasses Act of 1733
Sugar Act
Quartering Act
Stamp Act –
Stamp Act Congress.
Declaratory Act —
Townshend Acts.
Admiralty courts
Committees of Correspondence
First Continental Congress
Boston Tea Party
Intolerable Acts
Loyalists (Tories)

Friday, August 13, 2010

APUSH homework for week of 8-16-10

Hey guys!

so here is the plan for next week.
M- DBQ review PowerPoint and go over assigned DBQ
T - circle discussion on chapters 1-5 with summer assignment
W- same as above
T- same as above
F- review for test on Monday

1. DBQ - due Wednesday
2. FRQ - due Friday

NOTE: those of you who did not do the flashcards correctly - come see me so we can talk about a fair grade

Monday, July 19, 2010

2010-2011 APUSH WELCOME!

hello! Those of you who are working on the summer assignment I wanted to update you on a couple things brought to my attention by classmates:
1. not ALL of the terms on the list are in the chapter indicated. Do not stress if you cannot find them all. You CAN skip a couple here and there
2. number 3 on the assignment says "review attached outlines" - you can skip this because I never gave you the outlines
3. you DO NOT need to answer the questions in essay format. In fact, you will not have to turn them in at all. However, we will be having a discussion on them so writing something down (perhaps a couple of sentences) would be helpful since you can use notes and you will be graded on participation

email me with ANY questions! See you soon :)

Friday, March 26, 2010

AP Government and Politics Homework week 4-5

1. need to turn in current event and outline of chapter 11 - this was due before spring break
2. work on chapter 12 outline

APUSH homework for 4-5-10

NOTE: I got the schedule messed up so we have to make some things up quickly

1. multiple choice test on chapter 36, 37, 38 on Wednesday 4-7 (study session Tuesday after school)
2. DBQ on Vietnam due Friday follow this link
3. readings for chapter 39: B2, D3, E1 will be due the following MONDAY for extra credit
4. the FRQ from chapter 38 "How did the African American Civil Rights movement of the 1950's and 1960's address the failures of reconstruction?" will be due the following MONDAy as well for extra credit

Friday, March 19, 2010

AP Government and Politics Homework week 3-22-10

1. Outline for chapter 11 due Thursday
2. current event
3. start outline for chapter 12

APUSH homework for week 3-22-10

1. DBQ -
this is REALLY similar to the DBQ from last week - but it will be helpful to see samples etc.. Due Wednesday

2. Readings:  AS B1, C3, D4 due Friday (copies will be handed out next week)

Friday, March 12, 2010

AP Government and Politics Homework week 3-15

1. outline for chapter 13 due Thursday
2. start outline for chapter 14

APUSH homework week of 3-15-10

1. DBQ - copies for you Tuesday
2. no Readings this week

Friday, March 5, 2010

APUSH homework for week 3-8-10

1. readings A3, C2, F2, G3
2. essay test Wednesday - review session in class on Tuesday
3. no FRQ or DBQ for this week BUT can do FRQ from last week as extra credit: Compare and contrast United States foreign policy after WWI and after WWII

****all due Friday****

REMINDER: buy review books ASAP. Spend at least 1 hour a week studying!!

Also, those who have missed assignments - you need to talk to me about them! I said they would be zeros on Friday  and you still didn't turn them in! Check PLEASE!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

APUSH homework for week 3-1-10

1. readings: ch 35 A3, A4, D1, D3.
2. FRQ: Compare and contrast United States foreign policy after WWI and after WWII?

DUE: Friday

NOTE: your schedule say we will have an essay test on Thursday for ch 33,34,35 - this will be postponed for next week

APUSH ch 35 terms

Chapter #35: America in World War II
A. Philip Randolph
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Josef Stalin
George S. Patton
Thomas E. Dewey
Harry S Truman
Albert Einstein
Office of Price Administration
Fair Employment Practice Commission
Second Front
V-E Day
Casablanca Conference
Potsdam Conference
Teheran Conference
Manhattan Project
Battle of the Bulge

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Friday, February 19, 2010

APUSH ch 34 terms

Chapter #34: Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Shadow of War
Adolf Hitler
Nurenburg Trials
Cordell Hull
Joseph Stalin
Benito Mussolini
Francisco Franco
Winston Churchill
Charles Lindbergh
Wendel Willkie

Good Neighbor Policy
Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act
Nazi Party
Rome-Berlin Axis
Nye Committee
Neutrality Acts
Russo-German Nonaggression Pact
"cash and carry"
"Phony war"
America First Committee
Lend-Lease Act
Atlantic Charter

APUSH ch 33 terms

Chapter #33: The Great Depression and the New Deal
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Eleanor Roosevelt
Harry Hopkins
Frances Perkins
Father Coughlin –
Huey Long
Francis Townshend
Harold Ickes
George W. Norris
John L. Lewis
Memorial Day Massacre.
Alfred M. Landon
New Deal
Brain Trust(s)
The three R's
Glass-Steagall Act
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
Works Progress Administration
National Recovery Act
Tennessee Valley Authority
Social Security Act of 1935
Wagner Act
National Labor Relation Board
Congress of Industrial Organizations
Liberty League
Twentieth and Twenty-first Amendments
Court-packing scheme

APUSH ch 32 terms

Chapter #32: The Politics of Boom and Bust
Warren G. Harding
Charles Evan Hughes
Andrew Mellon
Herbert Hoover
Albert B. Fall
Harry M. Daugherty
Charles R. Forbes
Robert LaFollette
Alfred E. Smith
Ohio Gang
Washington conference
Kellogg-Briand Pact
Fordney-McCumber Tariff Law
Teapot Dome Scandal
McNary-Haugen Bill
Dawes Plan
Hawley-Smoot Tariff
Black Tuesday
Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC)
Bonus Army
Hoover-Stimson doctrine
Herbert Hoover

APUSH ch 31 terms

Chapter #31: American Life in the "Roaring Twenties"
A. Mitchell Palmer
John Dewey
John T. Scopes
Clarence Darrow –
Andrew Mellon
Bruce Barton
Henry Ford
Frederick W. Taylor
Margaret Sanger
Sigmund Freud

H. L. Mencken
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Ernest Hemingway
Sinclair Lewis
William Faulkner
Buying on Margin
Red Scare —
Sacco and Vanzetti Case
Ku Klux Klan
Emergency Quota Act 1921
Immigration Quota Act 1924
Volstead Act

APUSH ch 30 terms

Chapter #30: The War to End War
George Creel
Bernard Baruch
Henry Cabot Lodge
Warren G. Harding
James M. Cox
Collective security
Zimmerman Note
Fourteen Points
League of Nations
Committee on Public Information
Espionage and Sedition Acts
Industrial Workers of the World
War Industries Board
Nineteenth Amendment
Food Administration
Big Four
Treaty of Versailles

APUSH ch 29 terms

Chapter #29: Wilsonian Progressivism at Home and Abroad
Woodrow Wilson
Eugene Debs
Louis D. Brandeis
Venustiano Carranza
Pancho Villa
John J. Pershing
Central Powers
Kaiser Wilhelm II
Sussex Pledge
Charles Evans Hughes
New Nationalism
New Freedom
Underwood Tariff
Sixteenth Amendment

Federal Reserve Act
Federal Trade Commission
Clayton Antitrust Act
Jones Act

APUSH homework for week 2-22-10

1. readings: ch 33: A3, B2, F4 Ch 34: A5, C1, E4
2.  DBQ: FDR and the New Deal - go to this link to print

both due Friday

Friday, February 12, 2010

APUSH homework for week 2-15-10

1. readings A1, A2, D2 - copies for you by Tuesday
2. FRQ from last week

all due Friday

NOTE: on your schedule it say we have a multiple choice test this Thursday but it will be NEXT week. Further details to come

AP Government and Politics Homework week 2-15

1. revise poll questions
2. current event due Thursday
3. continue to outline chapter 13

Friday, February 5, 2010

AP Government and Politics week of 2-8-10

1. current events due Tuesday
2. poll question typed up due Tuesday
3. continue to work on Ch 13 outline - it is VERY long!

APUSH homework 2-8-10

1. readings: Ch 30: C2, D2, Ch 31: B2, C3, D3, D4 - readings to come by email by Tuesday

2. FRQ: Historians have argued that Progressive reform lost momentum in the 1920's. Evaluate this statement with respect to TWO of the following: Regulation of business, labor, immigration

DUE: Friday

Monday, February 1, 2010

AP Government and Politics week of 2-1-10

1. read and outline chapter 13

APUSH homework for week 2-1-10

1. DBQ - due Friday - copies from Sr. Elisa
2. readings extra credit from last week - due Tuesday
3. Essay test ch 27-29 - study guide given in class - study session in Wednesday at lunch

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

APUSH chapter 28 terms

Chapter# 28: Progressivism and the Republican Roosevelt
Henry Demarest Lloyd
Jacob Riis
Ida Tarbell
Robert M. LaFollete
Hiram Johnson
Charles Evans Hughes
Upton Sinclair
William Howard Taft
Seventeenth Amendment
Eighteenth Amendment
Elkins Act
Hepburn Act
Northern Securities Case
Meat Inspection Act
Pure Food and Drug Act
Newlands Act
Dollar diplomacy
Payne-Aldrich Act
Ballinger-Pinchot Affair.
Carey Act

APUSH homework for week 1-25-10

1. FRQ: To what extent did the role of the federal government change under President Theodore Roosevelt in regard to TWO of the following: labor, trusts, conservation, world affairs

2. readings: ch 28 C1, C4, D3, D4, E1

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

APUSH chapter 27 terms

Chapter #27: Empire and Expansion
Treaty of Paris, 1898
Richard Olney
Alfred Thayer Mahan
James G. Blaine
Valeriano Weyler
de Lome Letter
Theodore Roosevelt
George Dewey
Emilio Aguinaldo
Pan-American Conference
U.S.S. Maine
Teller Amendment
Rough Riders
Anti-Imperialist League
Foraker Act
Insular cases
Platt Amendment
Theodore Roosevelt
John Hay.
Spheres of Influence.
Philippine Insurrection
Open Door notes
Boxer Rebellion
Big Stick Policy
Clayton-Bulwar Treaty
Hay-Pauncefote Treaty.
Hay—Bunau-Varilla Treaty
Panama Canal
Roosevelt Corollary
Portsmouth Conference
Gentlemen’s Agreement
Root-Takahira Agreement

APUSH announcement

see original post for week of 1-18 homework for updated due dates and changes

Friday, January 15, 2010

AP Government and Politics Homework week 1-18-10

1. outlines from last week due Tuesday
2. chapter 10 outline due Thursday
FYI: midterm on everything we covered from final to this week will be next week

APUSH homework for week 1-18-10

1. Readings ch 27: B1, C1, F3 NO LONGER DUE !
2. FRQ: Describe imperialism and how US used it in one of the following: Panama, Philippines, or Caribbean = Extra Credit - due Monday 1-25 (make up points from last test)
3. Outline chapter 27 in textbook - due Monday 1-25

Sunday, January 10, 2010

APUSH DBQ for week of 1-11

hello all -

for the sake of not printing you all a copy of the DBQ please follow this link and either print your own copy or reference it on your own computer.

this is a released DBQ from 2007. Please email me at if you have trouble opening it.

I will be making copies of the readings this week and handing those out by Tuesday so don't worry about that.


AP Government and Politics Homework week 1-11-10

1. reminder that your Nickel and Dimed essay is due Tuesday 1-11
2. chapter 8 in blue book was supposed to be read in class while I was gone so that needs to be read and summarized on your own time
3. Chapters 9 and 11 read and outline by Tuesday 1-19

Saturday, January 9, 2010

APUSH chapter 26 terms

Chapter #26: The Great West and the Agricultural Revolution

Sitting Bull
George A. Custer
Chief Joseph
Joseph F. Glidden
James B. Weaver
Oliver H. Kelly
Mary Elizabeth Lease
Sioux Wars
Ghost Dance
Battle of Wounded Knee
Dawes Severalty Act
Comstock Lode
Long Drive
Homestead Act
Patrons of Husbandry
Granger Laws
Farmers' Alliance
Jacob S. Coxey
Eugene V. Debs
Williams Jennings Bryan
Richard Olney
William McKinley
Free Silver
Depression of 1893
Pullman Strike
Cross of Gold Speech

APUSH Chapter 25 terms

Chapter #25: America Moves to the City

Florence Kelley
Mary Baker Eddy
Charles Darwin
Booker T. Washington
William James
Henry George
Horatio Alger
Mark Twain
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Carrie Chapman Catt
Yellow Journalism
Josiah Strong
New Immigration.
Social Gospel
Settlement House
Women's Christian Temperance Union
Eighteenth Amendment

APUSH homework for week 1-11-10

1. Primary doc AS: A7, B1, E2 (extra credit)

2. DBQ: (2007) Agriculture 1865 – 1900
3. Multiple Choice test (23) 24-26 Thursday
4. study session - lunch on Tuesday
I will give you copies of readings and DBQ on Tuesday

Sunday, January 3, 2010

AP Government and Politics Homework week 1-4-10

1.Read chapters 7 and 12 - outline each and flashcards for following terms: (Due Thursday 1-7)

terms chapter 7:
public opinion
random sampling
exit polls
Gallup poll
political socialization
political ideology
gender gaps

terms chapter 12:
equal time rule
2. Nickel and Dimed essay due Tuesday 1-12

APUSH week of 1-4-10

1. reading (you all do not have this book so I will have to make copies for you this entire semester) AS: A3, B1, E4

2. FRQ: Describe the immigration pattern from post Civil War to the turn of the century

Due Friday 1-8-10