Chapter #1: New World Beginnings (Summer Assignment)
Marco Polo
Christopher Columbus
Ferdinand and Isabella
Treaty of Tordesillas
Vasco Nuñez Balboa
Hernándo Cortés
Ferdinand Magellan
Spanish Armada
Queen Elizabeth
Francis Drake
Humphrey Gilbert
Joint stock companies
Chapter #2: The Planting of English America (Summer Assignment)
Sir Walter Raleigh
George Clavert/Lord Baltimore
St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre
Edict of Nantes
Louis XIV
Samuel de Champlain
Jesuits (Society of Jesus)
Robert de La Salle
Virginia Company
James I
John Smith
House of Burgesses
Indentured Servitude
Chesapeake Region
Maryland Act of Toleration
Charles I
Proprietory colonies
James Oglethorpe
Oliver Cromwell
Charles II
planter’s role
Chapter #3: Settling the Northern Colonies (Summer Assignment)
John Calvin
Mayflower Compact
William Bradford
Massachusetts Bay Colony
John Winthrop
Anne Hutchinson
Roger Williams
Rhode Island
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
Dominion of New England
Sir Edmond Andros
Navigation Acts 1660 and 1663
Glorious Revolution
James II ( Duke of York)
William and Mary
New York
William Penn
New Jersey
King Philip II
Chapter #4: American Life in the Seventeenth Century (Summer Assignment)
New Jersey
royal charters
Town Meetings
Triangle Trade RoutesDirect versus Virtual Representation
established churches
William Berkeley
Headright system
Middle Passage
Bacon’s Rebellion
Leisler’s Rebellion
Halfway Covenant
Chapter #5: Colonial Society on the Eve of Revolution (Summer Assignment)
EvangelicalGreat Awakening
George Whitfield
Jonathan Edwards
New Lights
Old Lights
Age of Reason/Enlightenment
John Peter Zenger
Chapter #6: The Duel for North America
Samuel de Champlain
William Pitt
Robert de La Salle
James Wolfe
Edward Braddock
French and Indian War
Albany Plan of Union
Proclamation of 1763
Pontiac’s Rebellion
Paxton Boys
Ben Franklin
Five Nations of the Iroquois
Queen Anne’s War
Treaty of Utrecht
Salutary Neglect
General Edward Braddock
French and Indian War
King George’s War
Chapter #7: The Road to Revolution
Lord North
George Grenville
Samuel Adams Letter from a Farmer in Pennsylvania
Gaspee Incident
Charles Townshend "Champagne Charley"
John Adams
King George III
Baron Von Steuben
“No Taxation without Representation"
Royal Veto —
Internal/External Taxation
"Virtual" representation
The Boards of Trade
Sons of Liberty
Quebec ActNavigation Acts
Molasses Act of 1733
Sugar Act
Quartering Act
Stamp Act –
Stamp Act Congress.
Declaratory Act —
Townshend Acts.
Admiralty courts
Committees of Correspondence.
First Continental Congress
Boston Tea Party
Intolerable ActsLoyalists (Tories)
Chapter #8: America Secedes from the Empire
Second Continental Congress
Thomas Paine/Common Sense
Declaration of Independence
British Advantages/ British Disadvantages
American Advantages/American Disadvantages
George Washington
Marquis de Layfette
Baron Von Steuban
John Burgoyne
Benedict Arnold
Lord Cornwallis Yorktown
Treaty of Paris, 1783
Articles of Confederation
Lexington and Concord
Bunker Hill
Chapter# 9: The Confederation and the Constitution
John Locke’s Second Treatise of Government
Federalist #10
Republican Government
Unicameral Congress
Powers Granted to the Confederation Congress
Powers Denied to the Confederation Congress
Problems with Spain-
Problems with France
Land Ordinance of 1785
New Ordinance of 1787
Necessary and Proper Clause
Federalist Papers
Shays Rebellion
Society of Cincinnati
Annapolis Convention
Philadelphia Convention
James Madison
Edmund RandolphVirginia Plan
New Jersey Plans
Great Compromise
Three-Fifth’s Compromise
Delegated Powers
Reserved Powers
Concurrent Powers-.
Supremacy Clause-Checks and BalancesAnti-Federalists
Chapter #10: Launching the New Ship of State
George Washington
Washington’s Cabinet
Judiciary Act of 1789
Hamilton’s vision vs Jefferson’s vision
Funding on assumption
Report on Manufactures
Report on the Public Credit
Bank of United States
Strict Interpretation vs. Loose Interpretation
Whiskey Rebellion
Citizen Genet
Jay’s Treaty
Pinckney’s Treaty
Washington’s Farewell Address
Excise tax
Midnight appointments
Judiciary Act of 1801
Revolution of 1800
Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
Alien and Sedition Acts
Convention of 1800
XYZ Affair
12th Amendment
John Adams
Chisholm v Georgia
Chapter #11: The Triumphs and Travails of Jeffersonian Republic
Marbury v. Madison
Louisiana Purchase
Lewis & Clark- Meriwether Lewis.
Daniel Boone
Henry Clay
Essex Junto
Burr Conspiracy
Chesapeake/Leopard IncidentEmbargo
Non-intercourse Act
Macon’s Bill No. 2
William Henry Harrison
Battle of Tippecanoe
War Hawks
Battle of Horseshoe bend
Ft. McHenry
Francis Scott Key
Hartford Convention
Treaty of Ghent
Treaty of Greenville – 1795
Battle of New Orleans
Chapter #12: The Second War for Independence and the Upsurge of Nationalism
Rush-Bagot Agreement
Second Bank of the United States
Francis Cabot Lowell
Black Belt
Virginia Dynasty
Era of Good Feelings
Adams-Onis Treaty
Panic of 1819
Tallmadge Amendment
Missouri Compromise
John Marshall
Latin American Revolution
Monroe Doctrine
Marshall Court Cases
Marbury v Madison
McCulloch v Maryland
Cherokee Nation v. Georgia-
Cohens v Virginia
Fletcher v Peck
Worcester v. Georgia
Dartmouth College v Woodward
Gibbons v Ogden
Commonwealth v Hunt
Charles River Bridge v Warren Bridge
Chapter #13: The Rise of Mass Democracy
American System
Corrupt Bargain
Tariff of Abominations
Spoils System
Kitchen Cabinet
Force Bill
Compromise of Nullification
Black Hawk War
Five Civilized Tribes
Trail of Tears
Soft Money vs. Hard Money
Nicholas Biddle-
Pet Banks
Roger Taney
Democrats vs. Whigs
South Carolina Exposition and Protest
Martin Van Buren
Specie Circular
William Henry Harrison
John Tyler
Hayne-Webster Debate
Stephen F. Austin
Santa Anna
The Alamo
San Jacinto
Sam Houston
vinyl window curtains
4 years ago
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