Sunday, September 26, 2010

APUSH homework week of 9-27-10

1. don't attempt the 1998 DBQ from last week. Instead, do the on page A108 in the textbook --> due Wednesday
2. Work on chapter 10, 11 terms - will start checking them Wednesday
3. start chapter 12 notecards
4. two monthly assignments due Friday

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

APUSH link for DBQ 9/24

scroll down to the 1998 "Constructionists" - click on download and PRINT the DBQ - it will be much easier for you to write the DBQ if it is in front of you

NOTE: remember to underline your thesis

thank you to Mr. Gonzales for allowing permission to site

Friday, September 17, 2010

APUSH Homework 9-20-10

1. FRQ from last week due Tuesday
2. DBQ 1998 AP exam link :
and/or A108 #3 in your book
3. notecards for chapters 9 and 10 will be checked on Thursday
4. Remember, next week will be the end of September and you will need to complete the 2 monthly assignments
5. remember your $15!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

APUSH chapter 8 and 9 terms

Chapter #8: America Secedes from the Empire
Second Continental Congress
Thomas Paine/Common Sense
Declaration of Independence
British Advantages/ British Disadvantages
American Advantages/American Disadvantages
George Washington
Marquis de Layfette
Baron Von Steuban
John Burgoyne
Benedict Arnold
Lord Cornwallis Yorktown
Treaty of Paris, 1783
Articles of Confederation
Lexington and Concord
Bunker Hill

Chapter# 9: The Confederation and the Constitution
John Locke’s Second Treatise of Government
Federalist #10
Republican Government
Unicameral Congress
Powers Granted to the Confederation Congress
Powers Denied to the Confederation Congress
Problems with Spain-
Problems with France
Land Ordinance of 1785
New Ordinance of 1787
Necessary and Proper Clause
Federalist Papers
Shays Rebellion
Society of Cincinnati
Annapolis Convention
Philadelphia Convention
James Madison
Edmund Randolph
Virginia Plan
New Jersey Plans
Great Compromise
Three-Fifth’s Compromise
Delegated Powers
Reserved Powers
Concurrent Powers-.
Supremacy Clause-
Checks and Balances

Friday, September 3, 2010

APUSH homework 9-13-10

1. check chapter 8 notecards Tuesday
2. Monthly assignments (2) due Wednesday
3. FRQ due Friday Was George Washington the perfect first President? How might it have been different if Hamilton, Adams or Franklin been the first president?
4. check chapter 9 notecards Friday